An Introduction to Live Bearing Tropical Fish

Livebearer tropical fish are a very popular choice for many people first starting out with keeping a freshwater aquarium. They are colorful, hardy, and normally the easiest fish to breed. Here is an introduction to some of the more popular species.

The Mollies derive from the Poecilia spp. and the family of Poeciliidae. The Mollies is quite similar to a sword fish and it is among aquarists favorite fish. The swordtail derives from the Xiphophorus helleri.

Although the mollies have many shapes, they don't have a swordtail. They have a dorsal large fin. Their size is around 4 inches and a half and usually, the female is bigger than the male. The males can grow only to 3 inches and a half.

Also, the females have different colors than the males. These fish can live in a variety of environments because they are quite resistant. The water temperature in the habitat needs to be 72 degrees but no more than 82 degrees Fahrenheit. Mollies also like hard water, with a pH level of 7 or even 8. Mollies enjoy also salty water, a lot of light and plants. Thy also require decorations, sand and gravel. If you can, add some humus layer on the bottom too.

The mollies like to eat vegetables like algae and spinach but they are omnivorous by nature.
The mollies are very lively and calm and they like running water with a constant flow. They are also good for breeding because they like to spawn and they are livebearers. They are excellent for community tanks.

The Guppy fish are related to the Poeciliidae family and they come from the waters of Venezuela, Trinidad, Brazil,Guyana and Barbados. The like still but flowing water with a temperature no less than 68 degrees but not more than 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Besides that, the pH level must be between 7 and 8. They prefer hard water and they can endure extreme living conditions.

Also, they need plenty of light and decorations. They like vegetation to hide there and plenty of space to swim. They eat a wide variety of foodstuff and they are good for breeding. An important aspect is that guppies eat their own babies so after the eggs are laid, take the parents out of the breeding tank.