Picking a Selection of Fish. Details you should know

It is a good idea to choose a selection of fish that live at varying depths such as surface, middle water and bottom levels, thereby maximizing all your available tank space. To obtain both an aesthetic and ecological balance, fish should be chosen to suit these areas although most, at some time or another, will visit areas other than those allocated to them.

 To illustrate such a distribution, danios and rasboras are active surface area fish constantly on the move; the longer finned Angelfish and Gouramis are much slower in their movements, living happily in mid water amongst the tall grassy plants accompanied by the decorative Tetras and constantly foraging Barbs.

 Bottom dwelling fish, such as many Catfish, are often nocturnal by nature and will spend the daytime hours or when the tank is artificially lit hidden among the rocks and plants waiting for night to fall. Live bearing fish, although having the upturned mouths of surface feeders, seem to occupy any level they feel like in the aquarium.

 We shall therefore describe these non conformists first. What is the guppy? The many colorful strains of the guppy are internationally recognized; its alternatively common name of Millions Fish also confirms its readiness to breed. The sexes are easily distinguished as the females, although they are much larger than the males, are less brightly patterned.

 The guppy is a shoaling fish and one of the most popular choices for the aquarium, being attractive, inexpensive and easy to keep. What about the swordtail? Green when found in the wild in Central America, this distinctive fish has been bred in red, black and many mixed colors. It grows to about 9cm long. The long extension to the bottom of the male's caudal fin makes the Swordtail instantly recognizable, but sex reversal or female to male is not uncommon in adult Swordtails.